Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Poisoning the Pooches

Nearly 600 pets have died and more than 3,600 have been sickened in an ongoing, mysterious outbreak of illnesses tied to jerky treats made in China, federal animal health officials said Tuesday.

Most of the cases have been in dogs of all breeds, ages and sizes — although 10 cats have been sickened, too — after eating chicken, duck and sweet potato jerky treats. The pace of the reported illnesses appears to have slowed, but federal Food and Drug Administration officials are now seeking extra help from veterinarians and pet owners in solving the ongoing puzzle.
The best answer for pet owners asking what they should do is to not give jerky treats to your pets.

Hell, eating any food product made in China is about as dangerous as it was to have eaten American food products before the FDA and USDA began their work during the Theodore Roosevelt Administration.


  1. Things like that are the reason for FDA and USDA, not that teabaggers/libertarians would understand that.

    Why are we importing pet treats from China, anyway?

  2. While you're at it, don't give your kids any toys made in China (assuming you can find any that aren't.)

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank


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