Wednesday, October 23, 2013

NSA, the Fuckery Continues

To be honest, though, I don't know if much of this really qualifies. Sure, it's kind of amusing that the NSA seems to think that all of North America comprises "the Homeland".[1]

But outrage that the NSA is spying on France, Germany and Mexico? How is that surprising? They're foreigners and spying on foreign nations is what spies are supposed to do. In the last hundred years we've fought two wars with the Germans and the Germans tried really hard to get the Mexicans to come in on their side in the first one. As for the French, well, enough said.

The point is that yesterday's enemies can be today's friends and today's friends can be tomorrow's enemies. I'd be shocked if our spooks weren't spying on every other nation around.[2]

By the way, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, denies that the NSA has engaged in massive wiretapping of French citizens. But since ol' Jimmy is a noted perjurer, you can decide whether or not you believe him.[3]
[1] I cannot begin to tell you how much "Homeland" sounds like a term used by a Fascist nation.
[2] Except maybe Chad. The "Chadian threat" is probably not a term you'll see in our press anytime soon.
[3] I regard every statement released by his office to be a complete lie, including the commas and periods. Clapper got a pass on perjury charges and Roger Clemens didn't, probably because there's no lying in baseball.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason I would make a terrible Congressman: In hearings, I would follow up every answer Clapper gave the committee with, "Are you telling the truth this time?"


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