Friday, October 25, 2013

Because It's Friday

The Xingyang Brickworks Railway:

When the American railroaders needed steam engines with good low-speed performance, they geared them down. When the Chinese did, they just used itty bitty driving wheels.

Keep your eyes open at the very end of the clip....


  1. Two cool! 4 mini drivers and a high speed train.

  2. We have nothing like either one.

    I was astonished at how many men they had working on that railroad. Three brakemen on the string of self-unloading hopper cars?

  3. Also, did you note that they were using link-and-pin couplers? They couldn't go more mid-19th century if they added Wells Fargo express cars and armed robbers.

  4. Reminds me of a picture of two Chinese men sitting to cut a railroad track with a hacksaw. They brought a pot of tea and packed a lunch. I expect they were going to be there all day.


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