Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Is It With Those Fucknuts At the DoJ?

Seriously. Those fuckers cannot abide by the rules and still get convictions? They have to engage in all sorts of unethical shenanigans?
A federal judge on Tuesday overturned the convictions of five New Orleans police officers tied to the shooting of unarmed civilians during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, finding that prosecutors in the case had engaged in “grotesque” misconduct.

In a blistering and meticulously detailed 129-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt found that federal prosecutors in New Orleans had anonymously posted damning online critiques of the accused officers and the New Orleans Police Department before and during the 2011 trial, a breach of professional ethics that had the effect of depriving the officers of their rights to a fair trial.
I'm guessing that the judge's ruling is going to be furnished to the state bar that licensed those prosecutors. This is the same sort of bullshit that went on under the last two AGs. Are these clowns left over from the pack of morons that were hired because they were "good little Bushies"? Or are these fresh, new morons?

Some serious housecleaning is in order.

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