Sunday, September 8, 2013

To the NSA, Using Encryption is like "Furtive Movements" to the NYPD

The NSA apparently takes the position that using encryption to protect the privacy of your communications is a sign that you're doing something wrong. Their police-state view is that you shouldn't have anything to hide from them if you're not breaking the law.

It goes beyond that, for even talking about privacy and encryption and the NSA's reading your shit is enough to get you promoted to the list of "possible terrorist adversary".

In essence, if you take steps to preserve your freedom to be left alone, the NSA may turn its attention to you. Because only people who are criminals would lock their electronic doors.

Think about that for a second. Suppose the local cops told everyone that locking the doors to their houses was an indication of criminal activity, because only crooks would object to John Law strolling in through the door to rummage through their shit?

How do you think that would sit with most people? Not well, I hazard.

So why do we let the NSA get away with copping a similar attitude?

Have we truly changes from "the land of the free" to "a field of sheeple"?

1 comment:

  1. "Have we truly change[d] from "the land of the free" to "a field of sheeple"?"

    Yes. Possibly since the '40s.


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