Monday, September 2, 2013

They're Always Ready To See Us Shed Our Blood and Treasure; Middle Easten Edition

Israel and Saudi Arabia have little love for each other but both are pressing their mutual friend in the White House to hit President Bashar al-Assad hard.
At an Arab League meeting in Cairo on Sunday evening, foreign ministers passed a resolution pressing the United Nations and the global community to “take the deterrent and necessary measures against the culprits of this crime that the Syrian regime bears responsibility for,” according to Reuters.
Here's a suggestion to the Arab League: You guys all have various flavors of fighter jets.

So you do it.

Let's see you send your own people into harms way for a change. Let's see you guys spend your own money to fix a problem in your own part of the fucking world. Sure, well be happy to supply intel and shit like that.

But let's see you guys do the trigger-pulling this time.

Oh, I know why you won't. Your armies are really glorified police forces. Their jobs are to suppress dissent and control your own populations, not to go make war. And you don't want the blood of your neighbors on your hands.

Tough shit. Step up to the plate.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to consider the possibilities.

    1) Jordan - No real strike fighters and too close.

    2) Egypt - F-4's don't have the legs and the F-16's would be stretched. The route around Israel would be the killer, plus the Israel's would throw a fit, even if they were aiming at Syria.

    3) UAE - Has the Block 60 F-16's and the Airbus tankers. Could do a decent job, IF they have the correct munitions. Would need Saudi and Jordanian buy in.

    4) Saudi Arabia - Best equipped (F-15S and Tornado's) and has the tankers too. But a proven history of keeping their hands clean...

    In summary, because Jordan (or Israel...not that the Arab League would ask) wouldn't allow overflight, it's all an exercise in speculation.

    I would be interested in seeing the Royal Saudi Air Force in action, though. They've got the training, but I doubt their cultural upbringing would result in successful ground strikes...the pilots are more likely to chase off after any rumored aircraft sightings to get an air-to-air kill.


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