Friday, September 27, 2013

NSA Wants to Collect Every Phone Call

So sayeth Emperor Alexander. They want it all. And this crap about a "searchable lockbox" is just that.

The NSA has a track record of doing whatever the fuck it wants to do. And, like all of the rest of the Federal law enforcement agencies, not to mention state and local cops, they have a very hard time distinguishing between dissent and treason.

The distinction between the NSA/CIA/FBI and the KGB/MVD/Stasi seems to be mostly a matter of quibbling.


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if, in attempting to 'protect' America from Americans, the three-letter agencies are now looking to hire ex-Soviet secret police. For their experience.

    "Whoever fights monsters..."

  2. An ex-STASI colonel, hearing about the NSA program, was envious. "We had half of East Germany spying on the other half of East Germany, but we couldn't have dreamed of having technology that would track everybody, everywhere, and record their every phone call."

    He paused, thought for a moment, and smiled. "And they called us monsters..."


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