Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Guess What Day It Is?

Oh, and it's also the anniversary of the acceleration of this nation's slide into becoming a police state.

To my mind, what all of the commemorations of 9-11 are showing is that this nation has a glass jaw.

(More of my stuff here. I'll keep beating this drum regarding the increasing encroachment of the national surveillance/police state on the liberties we once held dear. Even if it's kind of depressing that I've been writing about this for six fucking years, now.)

And no, it's not Patriots Day. This is. Stop calling it that.


  1. Damn, it has been six years now, hasn't it.
    You have been on my Blogrolls since the day I stumbled upon your musings too.

    A tip' o the bald spot to ya my dear and here is to the hope that we may live long enough to see the next iteration of this country because the current one is unsustainable.

    At the very least, somewhere in the future, someone may stumble upon our writings and know that there were actually people of this era who were documenting the abuses being suffered upon us by our own government and trying to do something about it.

    You do it especially well.


  2. Noting that the last time the top 1% had their current percentage of national income was 1927.

    I suspect the current illusionary recovery will implode as rates climb. The question is will the uber-rich see the danger in time? History suggests, no.

  3. It's been almost nine years for me (I started after Kerry lost in 2004), and it doesn't get any less depressing :(. I think I've written the same editorial on 9/11 for the past nine years. Except it gets shorter and more bitter every year.

  4. I almost spit up when Rudy Giuliani complained that 9-11 should be sacrosanct and not used for political purposes.

    Yet five-six years ago, his presidential campaign was characterized as "noun, verb, 9-11."

    CP88, if there was a guillotine maker, I'd buy stock in the company,


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