Monday, August 5, 2013

Lying About Probable Cause-- SOP for the DEA

The Drug Enforcement Administration has a long track record of wiping clean its investigative trail so that their cases stand up in court.

Without probable cause for a stop and search, there is no case. So the DEA is "fixing" that by making the probably cause seem random or based on some other fiction.

Between this and the use of professional liars jailhouse informants, we're probably at the point where the standard for conviction on drug or, for that matter, any Federal charges should be "beyond a scintilla of doubt".


  1. Requiring proof isn't enough--we need to eliminate the majority of drug laws entirely. I don't use drugs, I'm not significantly harmed, endangered or inconvenienced by users. I am harmed, endangered and inconvenienced by the fight against drugs.

  2. "I don't know where you're from, but this is Oakland, and if we wanted to bust you for dope, we would have brought it. So just get yours out and let's deal with it."
    An actual quote from an OPD cop during a raid of a warehouse where I lived in the late '80s. They didn't find any.

    -Doug in Oakland


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