Saturday, August 24, 2013

Germans Say: Stay Away From Windows 8

They are claiming that Windows 8 and the chipset designed for it allow both Microsoft and the NSA to not only snoop on, but to exercise control over your computer.

I don't know if this is true, but given how far into bed with the NSA that American tech companies have climbed, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.


  1. 100% *not* true. I've had some dealings with the Trusted Computing infrastructure, we had to get Linux working with it, including getting a GRUB bootloader signed so it'd run on TPM-based motherboards. There is no -- zero -- mechanism in there that would allow remote control by unauthorized parties. The closest that could possibly do so would be the Intel EFI standard, which calls for a DOS-like boot loader operating system that could potentially be given networking capabilities, but note that EFI predates Windows 8 by at least five years and in fact has been used on every Intel-based Apple computer ever made.

    The trusted computer infrastructure basically just provides a means of cryptographically signing binaries so viruses won't run on your computer. That's all it does. There is a public key embedded in your BIOS and if the binary was signed by anything other than Microsoft's private key, it won't run. There's good reasons for the German government to not use Windows 8 -- for one thing, it means they have to send their internal top secret software written by their equivalent of the NSA to Microsoft to get it signed before they can run it on Windows 8 computers, meaning that they could potentially leak government secrets to Microsoft (and thus the NSA) -- but the notion of Microsoft or the NSA having "remote control" isn't one of those reasons.

    - Badtux the Silicon Valley Penguin

  2. Tux - - I wish the hell I understood what you are talking about (before I clicked on comments, I knew it was yours) - Cheers.


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