Saturday, July 13, 2013

Caturday; Shelter Edition

A mother at five kittens at a shelter.

Spay and neuter your pets, people.


  1. I Want! Can't help myself. And yes, all my nine cats Are spayed and neutered.

  2. Yep...and 8 years ago, when a stray had one kitten on our porch (we had a box and a heating pad for her), both mother and daughter were checked and spayed. Mother stayed wild, but the kitten is still with us.

  3. Frustrating... And feral cats (and dogs) are no joke...

  4. Recently had a Momma and 3 kittens magically appear in my garage.
    Found out she tore up a screen under the house in the foundation and squeezed in a hole behind the washing machine.
    That was a month ago.
    She was still nursing the kittens and went right back into heat.

    She is skittish but friendly enough.
    No idea who's cat she was.
    My wife spent TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS to get a strange cat fixed!
    She isn't going anywhere now and my wife fell for the kitten that I had picked out then she told me I couldn't keep.
    What is wrong with this picture?
    I had it given away and she wouldn't let me!
    Now we have FOUR of the flea bags laying around.


  5. Now we have FOUR of the flea bags laying around.




    Surrender to the Dark Side, Luke. Yer almost officially a crazy cat person. You just need a couple more.....

    Your wife did a good thing, by the way.


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