Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bet Your Ass That the NSA is Watching You!

The KGB NSA is collecting pen register data on every call made by Verizon subscribers. No targeted suspicion, they are watching everybody. The sooper-sekrit court order is here.

So it's a safe bet that they are also collecting similar information on every subscriber using AT&T, as well as every other provider out there.

This is no longer tinfoil-hat shit. They are watching everyone. Call your mother, your boss or your bookie, the NSA knows about it.

The question now is what are we going to do about it. This is the 69th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, part of a war that, as we have been told ad nauseum, was fought to preserve liberty and freedom. And yet, here we are, throwing it away.

We won the Cold War, as well. And now our government is emulating the East German Stasi?

Write your Senators and I suggest two things: Really write them. Don't email them. Send the fuckers a letter. And ask them the classic question from Watergate: What did they know and when did they know it.


  1. We knew when they open the door way back when this kinda shit was going to be the result.

    No one gave a shit then and I doubt if many more will give a shit now.

  2. The Terrorists have won. We gave up our freedom, far too easily when challenged. It's a Sad day.

  3. They said it can't and wouldn't happen...

    Yep it did.

    Sad indeed.


  4. I was thinking more like the Germans...

  5. God, I hope they trip over Celine's First Law sooner rather than later. If things keep going the way they are, the funds should run out soon enough.'s_laws


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