Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hey, Reince, How's That Minority Outreach Program Working for You?

Because getting your troops to treat othrs with respect sure seems to be an epic failure.

Fist, there was Don Young who was remiscing about all of the "wetbacks" his dad used to hire.

And now, there is a leader in the Oklahoma House who put his foot in his mouth and then proceeded to hammer his jaw closed:
Oklahoma state Rep. Dennis Johnson (R-Duncan) apologized Wednesday for recently using the phrase "Jew me down."

While speaking on the virtues of small business in debate over a bill Wednesday, he said, "They might try to Jew me down on a price. That's fine ... that's free market as well."
He's not just some schlub there, he is a ranking member.

Yeah, that's really helping the GOP to convince voters that they're not the Party of the Klan.

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