Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Frank

Yeah, so they have a new pope. Yet another old geezer who can be counted on to not do much of all in the way of reforming the hot mess that is the church's buraucracy and who can also be counted on to die (or retire) soon.

Big frakking deal. This isn't the reformer that you were looking for. Move along.

1 comment:

  1. CNN says about Pope Frank:

    As a cardinal, he clashed with the government of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner over his opposition to gay marriage and free distribution of contraceptives.

    Latin America is home to 480 million Catholics. By choosing Bergoglio, the cardinals sent a strong message about where the future of the church may lie.

    Amazing how an ecosystem can consistently produce the same sort of organism to fill the same niche.


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