Thursday, March 7, 2013

Caturday; Game On Dept.

After quite a few nights of sleep interrupted by a cat who feels that his attention bank needs replenishing, I've started making those deposits when he is sound asleep.

I doubt if cats appreciate that sort of irony.


  1. Just watch out that Karma doesn't bite back... :-D

  2. Uh'm seriously, you may loose.

    The cat might like it!

    And want more.

    After all, it's attention.


  3. My old and cranky Mencken bites me if I bother him while he's not interested in getting a kitty massage. So make sure your health insurance is paid up :).

    1. Jake doesn't have any teeth left. :)

    2. Yea, but he can still poop in your shoes!

  4. "Never try to out-stubborn a cat." -- Lazarus Long


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