Monday, February 11, 2013

Who Wants to Drive The Drones?

The Electronic Freedom Foundation has a list of who applied to the FAA last year for permission to fly drones.

Some are kind of surprising: Otter Tail County, MN and North Little Rock, AR. The usual group of suspects is there: FBI, Customs, and cops in Florida and Texas. Some county sheriff's department has washed their request through the DoJ for some reason.

If drones are to be flown within American airspace, the rule should be this: If a drone is involved in a collision with a manned aircraft and the aircraft's occupant(s) sustain fatal or severe injuries, then the drone driver gets summarily executed. Absent that, I remain opposed to the use of flying drones by anyone.


  1. How about a well lit and ground hugging device?
    I still look forward to my take out delivered to my remote doorstep.

  2. Interestingly I'm not seeing anything from New York, either city or state. Although somehow my current employer is 0.o. Does this mean I can start building the suckers?


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