Monday, February 11, 2013

Milk Jugs and Guns

This is a milk jug:

Doesn't look like a gun, does it? But that didn't stop some jittery cops in Pennsylvania from charging in. One of the cops shot another cop in the back. A third cop armed with a patrol rifle* then shot at the Milk Jug Dude, but fortunately for the guy with the milk jug, the cop missed.
* "Patrol rifle" when they have one. "Evil assault rifle" when you have one.


  1. I can oh so see why Andy let Barney have only one bullet and he had to keep it in his shirt pocket as well. So much grief would have been averted, in LA as well.

  2. Well, in this case Andy was the police sergeant who knocked on the door and got shot in the back by his peers for his trouble. Some people need remedial training on creating and maintaining viable sight lines that don't end up with your peers needin' surgery. Just sayin'.

    1. Merely following the Four Rules would have done it.

      But sadly, no.

  3. Oh well, if they shot the milk jug they'll probably offer to replace it, eh ??

  4. Between this, the guys in LA, and LV Metro, I am beginning to think the guns that need controlling are in the hands of the cops.


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