Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kill the Toasters!

Blood & Chrome - the full thing is tonight on the SciFi channel.

Basically, Bill Adama in the First Cylon War.

If they can do this as a series without the religious nuttery that eventually enveloped Battlestar Galactica, then I'll watch it. The last decade's version of BSG explored a lot of very powerful themes. Final Five Cylon nonsense notwithstanding, I knew not a few mid-grade officers and chiefs who could have been models, at least in part, for Saul Tigh.


  1. I never really got into those series...

  2. I lasted 5 minutes, I decided anything in the hands of someone who decides every light source must be blasting right into the camera and given a huge lens flare would not be capable of producing something interesting or enjoyable.

    1. I blame "Star Trek Rebooted" for that current idiotic fashion. Wnd the lighting seemed to have changed once they got off the hangar deck.


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