Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Your Latest Computerized Time-Sink

A punch-card version of Google.

It'll return the first eight hits and then kick you over to a version that isn't fifty years old.

And if that isn't enough for you, try your hand at a virtual slide rule, with more of them here.


  1. That was a blast from the past.
    Up until a year or two ago the national Automotive Cert Board used the updated version: fill in the appropriate dot with your pencil. At work I diagnosed computer versus input/output signal problems by watching wavelengths on an oscilloscope, at Test time it was like Grade School.
    They finally went to computer based testing.

    1. And Slide rules! I remember people carrying them but that was right about the time that computers began to exist. I am a child of the electronic age. In 9th grade we were taught to scavenge parts from dismantled Nike Rockets to make simple electronic novelties.

  2. I programmed with punch cards in high school. My biggest program was around 100 cards, but I saw others with stacks and stacks of cards. With punch cards, debugging is not a programmer's only heartache. Folds, rips, and dog-ears become serious business.


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