Saturday, January 19, 2013

Caturday; Shelter Edition

If you don't have a cat in your life, please consider going to an animal shelter and finding one.

The cat you adopt will be grateful for a home. And your life will be immeasurably enriched.

Do it.

That is all.


  1. We have 9 rescue/feral cats at this point, one that mostly lives outside and the rest all house cats now. Probably take in another if they managed to show up at the door. Can't go anywhere inside or outside without a gang of cats walking with you.
    The rescue dogs (3) all get along with the rescue cats and even I am adopted so we are a "rescue family". I do admit my wife grew with her birth parents and the Parrot came from a 'store' but that's it, for us.
    Rescue Animals Rule, you'll never find a better friend anywhere.

  2. Damnit Comrade, my poor old cat passed away last week.

    As much as I miss a furry person curling up with me in bed, I am not ready for this yet. =(


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