Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Way to Go, Navy; Parboiling the Squids Edition

On my other blog, I have written somewhat extensively about the stupid new uniforms that the Navy has recently adopted, including the one that is known as "Navy Working Uniform", or, as I call it, "Aquaflage."

Now it seems that the uniform is really, really stupid, as in criminally stupid. As in "some fucker ought to be court-martialed for this".

The uniform is not only not even remotely fire-resistant, it will burn in a fire. It will melt and, in essence, shrink-wrap any sailor unlucky enough to be near a fire.

So what happens if the word is passed: "Fire, fire, fire in compartment X-XXX-X"-- everyone on the fire party has to first run to their berthing compartment to change clothes? Into what, since the old non-melting working uniforms, wash khakis for chiefs and officers and dungarees for junior enlisted, have been done away with?

This is beyond stupid. It is criminally stupid because the danger of wearing uniforms with synthetic fibers about ship is not an "unknown known".

Somebody needs to hang for this.


  1. Hanging wouldn't be appropriate.

    Wearing one of those uniforms and having to work one's way out of a burning building seems appropriate.

  2. "Somebody needs to hang for this."
    And not by the neck.

  3. Damn it zdogk9! You beat me to it! Trouble is? The nitnoy brain celled sort that dreamed this up might not have any balls to begin with...


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