Wednesday, December 5, 2012

To Protect and to Steal

A state trooper in Connecticut has been arested for stealing cash and jewelry from the dead body of a motorcyclist, as well as a few ancillary charges (evidence tampering and whatnot).

Seems that his dashboard cam caught him allegedly robbing the body.


  1. Does this story suggest that cops have (or think they have) a way of shutting off their dash cams when they think it would be smart to?

  2. I hope they hang his ass... Too bad it can't be literally... sigh

  3. If they are hiring troopers who are too dumb to grasp the concept of video, they might want to review their hiring standards.

  4. His lawyer will of course claim that the cop was merely trying to protect those valuables from being stolen by bystanders... heh.


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