Monday, December 3, 2012

See Bob Costas.
See Bob Step on His Crank on National TV.
Dumb, Bob, Dumb.

Bob Costas appeared to bring politics into the NFL broadcast booth on Sunday night, saying better gun control could have prevented the horrific murder-suicide committed by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher.

Costas delivered his nationally televised message by paraphrasing part of a column written by Jason Whitlock on In the column, Whitlock writes: "What I believe is, if he didn’t possess/own a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."
Right. Right. Because a defensive linebacker who was 6'2", weighed 228lbs and had 193 career tackles was not going to be able to whack his 22 year old girlfriend without a gun. [/sarcasm]

The guy's day job was to go out and hit people. He worked in a sport where the idea of hitting people is to knock them out of the game.

What bugs me is that if you listen to the bleating of the gun-control crowd, you'd think that the world was an utterly peaceful place until the invention of the handgonne. Which even a minute's worth of perusing of human history will show to be utterly false.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and butting heads for concussions is good for the brain.[/sarcasm]

    It's a long standing problem that is getting worse and concussions and the resulting brain damage is not getting all the press it deserves as football is big business.

    Seems the suicide rate for pro-ballers is rather high.



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