Friday, December 14, 2012

Obviously a Major Malfunction

CF-18 crash at Alberta in 2010:

I apologize for the paucity of postings of late. But there are a few different levels of drama going on in my life, right now, from the "this is some serious shit" levet down to "if you clowns don't knock this shit off, I'm going to have to come over there and slap you" level. It's nothing that I can share here, it is what it is. But for the mnoment, you'kll have to go elsewhere to read outrage over the GOP's further trashing of unions and shafting of Susan Rice.

Frank W. James has started a new blog, so if you've missed his old one (which was hacked after he went quiet on it, so zorch any links to it), you can read it here.

Stephen Colbert's mashup of "Downton Abbey" and "Breaking Bad" was pretty funny.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, he was trying to tail walk it, and the right engine lost power... NOT good!


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