Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spare the Lethal Injection, Spoil the Child

Former Arkansas legislator Charlie Fuqua, a Republican, who is running again with support from the GOP, believes that it should be legal for parents to bring their kids to court and then try to persuade the judge that their kids should be executed for being disobedient.

I find it very odd that all of these clowns get so worked up about abortion, but then after the child is born, they spend their days dreaming up more reasons to expand the death penalty.

Beyond that, if the child is born into poverty, not their problem. If the child lives in a town where the school system is nothing more than a holding pen for the local juvenile detention center, not their problem.* If the air is fouled and the water is poisoned, not their problem.

They are "pro-life", but only so long as that life is in the womb.

UPDATE: Apparently Fuqua was pretty specific that the biblically-mandated method of executing the rebellious kids would be death by stoning. Which doesn't distinguish him from the Taliban, who also seem to favor that method.
* Hell, a lot of those asshats would repeal mandatory school attendance and child labor laws, if they had their way.


  1. Yea I thought about these asshats too.
    You are precious until you are born, on your own till military age,then expected to serve. Then wounded or not you are again on your own till death.
    Not at all what I had in mind.

    1. They only expect you to serve if your daddy is a blue-collar worker. However, if your daddy is wealthy, you can go gadding about France as a "missionary" and avoid the draft for Vietnam, or your five boys of military age can elect not to serve in the Great War on Terror because they're working to elect you as preznit.


  2. Hey, this shit IS why they are pro-life: they need plenty of spares after getting rid of the rowdies and the thinkers. Course, I maintain that this could be used pre-emptively, as in:

    "I have had/taken care of/see (fill in the blank) children; all of them were disobedient at some point, therefore I am aborting this little disobedient sinner BEFORE I have to spend a fortune to find out it was another bad one!"


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