Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shorter Mourdock: "If You Were Raped, the Almighty Wanted It to Happen."

WASHINGTON -- Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock declared Tuesday night he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape because "it is something that God intended to happen."
Clearly, Todd Akin, the GOP Senate candidate in Missouri, isn't the outlier that what is left of the mainstream GOP has spent weeks pretending him to be.

Of course, Mourdock is doing his best to walk his remarks back. Good luck with that, Bucko.

You have to wonder if the GOP is trying to throw away this election. But it isn't by design, not unless the Tea Party is a false-flag operation run by Democrats. They have pushed out electable moderates in favor of running radicals who, might be able to win a congressional district election, but they fall flat statewide. Or they run batshit-crazy neophytes and they lose elections that the GOP should have easily won.


  1. I swear, it is as if actual insanity is the ruling principle of candidate selection in the GOP lately. Is this what comes of dumbing down education? Because damn..."certifiable" is the nicest thing you can say about some of these bozos.

  2. And when Mourdock loses the election, it will be because Gawd wanted it to happen.

  3. Stop knocking Mourdock. All he's doing is offering a strict interpretation of Sharia Law. I'm waiting for the next Republican to expand on what has been offered so far by suggesting that raped women get stoned to death.e

    Crankily yours,
    The New York Crank


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