Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sharia Law

You can find no shortage of politicians and pundits in this country who get oh, so upset at the concept of Sharia law.

But then, a lot of those very same politicians* and pundits will start blathering on about how the Ten Commandments is superior to the Constitution and we should run this country by the will of the Almighty, as set down in the Bible (modified, of course, so that bacon is still on the menu). They are completely blind to the point that they are, in essence, advocating for Christian Sharia law. They all love them some "G-d's Law", they just differ with the Islamicists on which book is the applicable one.

Or they are not. Huckabee is smart enough to know that is exactly what he is doing, pandering to the know-nothings for whom critical thinking and book larnin' are just too hard.

I'm not so sure about the other guys. They probably are not that self-aware.
* Mike Huckabee comes to mind. So does Legitimate Rape Guy, Rape-babies Guy and that Ten Commmanderments judge in Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU Comrade. I so agree with your viewpoints. That is why I hang out here a part of each day.


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