Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Forget Christie in 2016

For the Wingnuts are never going to let Secaucus Fats live this down:
Interviewed Tuesday on NBC, [New Jersey Governor Chris] Christie described Obama's response as "outstanding," and he told CNN that the president had been "incredibly supportive and helpful to our state."

"This is much more important than any election," Christie told CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight."

Obama has "been outstanding to deal with on this and I look forward to seeing him tomorrow so he can see for himself what this hurricane has done to my state," Christie said Tuesday night.

And this:
"I spoke to the president three times yesterday," Christie said on CNN's "Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien." "He has been incredibly supportive and helpful to our state and not once did he bring up the election. If he's not bringing it up, you can be sure that people in New Jersey are not worried about that primarily if one of the guys running isn't."
Christie is focused on what is best for his state right now. But you know that the GOP's Taliban will never forget that Christie wasn't doing everything he could in order to make Obama look bad and score some cheap political points for Myth Romney.


  1. Northeastern Republicans tend (somewhat) to be somewhat more reality-based than their southern, midwestern, southwestern and western compatriots. Even Mr. Romney, at least while in office in Massachusetts.

    Maybe there's something in the water.

  2. On the other hand I read that his big switcheroo is just more of the same.
    He can see that the R/Money is currently sinking and he is trying to get as far away as possible from the disaster to be.
    This might leave him "unstenched" enough for further campaigning.
    He is ever and only thinking of himself and No One Else.

  3. Perhaps he is even thinking of switching parties?

  4. - switching parties? Maybe.
    One Big Tent for One Big Man.
    And he might be a prick much of the time, but this week he looked like he had his priorities straight.
    Anyway, I think it will be Brother Jeb in '16.


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