Friday, September 28, 2012


Stench and his butt-monkeys water-carriers at Fox are whining about the polls.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Mitt Romney's Sliding Poll Numbers
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
"Skewed" Presidential Polls
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

It is a sign of desperation or blind ignorance to go out, do sampling, and throw out the results because one doesn't like them. Polling isn't exactly rocket science anymore.

The thing is, if the Republicans had their own private polling data that showed that Romney was on a path of victory, they would be releasing them. But they aren't, which implies that their own polling data is as dismal as the public polling data.

Thanks, in part, to Romney's "47% of the people in this country are moochers" crack, Stench is now more unpopular than Dubya. Romney potentially has billions in Super-PAC money that might come to his aid (between the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson, who is allegedly trying to avoid an investigation that could financially gut him), but even those guys may not be crazy enough to gamble that kind of money with the current odds facing Romney. Not when they can try to flood some Senate races to try and flip that back or maybe fund enough commercials to keep the House in GOP hands.

Still, a lot can happen in 39 days. But when someone is far down in the hole and tries to save the day on one final gamble, usually they're going back home by Greyhound.


  1. It's almost funny. I Know "smell-a-vision" doesn't exist.
    Yet every time I read the words words of, or hear of 'willard'; I Smell Fail.
    Like the stink in an overused gym with no air.

  2. Yah, as I pointed out on my own blog, it's easy enough to conduct your own polls with modern robo-dialers and standard census-based telemarketing software. Just choose a random selection of census districts representing the general constituency, and dial away. For this polling conspiracy to work, not only must every single polling company be in the pay of the Obama campaign, but every single census-based telemarketing software must automatically detect the political affiliation of the person extracting data out of it, and every single robo-dialer must automatically detect the political affiliation of the person programming it. If there's a conspiracy of that magnitude, Romney has already lost anyhow and will be reporting to Gitmo shortly.


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