Monday, August 6, 2012

Beep......beep......beep.....beep.....Pasadena, This is Mars Station. Curiosity Has Landed.

The Curiosity rover has successfully landed on Mars.

That they were able to pull off such a kludgey landing sequence without any 1201 and 1202 faults is a triumph for NASA and JPL.

UPDATE:  From George Takei's FB page, an early photo from Curiosity:


  1. Hurray for humanity, we finally figured out that reading in centimeters and programming in inches doesn't comply! And we made it back to Mars! Can't wait to see what is next. Why don't we go look at a few of the failure launches and check for footprints? 3 toed or whatever?
    A great day in any case, we own the stars bitches!

  2. I really Love the picture of the Generations of people that had to pull together to make this happen. America still has a thing or two going for it. Makes me Proud.

  3. I hope Marvin is not pissed that we didn't call ahead.

    1. We'll know as soon as he finds his Illudium-238 Explosive Space Modulator.


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