Monday, July 30, 2012

O.J. Simpson Claims that It is Oprah's Fault He is in Prison
(Notwithstanding the Fact That He Robbed and Kidnapped Some Dudes in Las Vegas)

Seriously. OJ thinks that it's Oprah's fault he's in jail for 9 to 33 years. Because she wasn't interested in his allies using her show to spread his claims that he really didn't mean to rob, kidnap and coerce those memorabilia sellers in Vegas, nor did he really mean to conspire to do any of that.

OJ is going to end up doing the bulk of his time, only being let out to check into hospice. They generally don't let anyone out of the Crossbar Hilton until the convict admits to the crime and expresses sincere remorse.

Which OJ will never do. So he'll be in the slammer until he is terminally ill and the state figures that it'll be easier to dump him on a hospice on the outside. If even then.


  1. Ha. I had forgotten all about that.

  2. I never did care for Oprah...she acts like she knows everything about everything!!

    I'll never believe OJ killed anybody unless he comes on tv and says he did.

    I believe he got too much time for the last charges.


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