Tuesday, July 17, 2012

According to CNN, I Own an Airplane That Could Drop a Bomb on the Kremlin!

But only if I were able to strap a 100lb bomb on it and take off from the Myachkovo Airport, that is.

So it would be pretty stupid of me to claim that I could, in fact, drop a bomb on the Kremlin.

But that is the logic of CNN, for one of their stenographers reporters claimed that Iran could hit the US with a missile. If Iran put the missile and its launcher on ship and sailed it to within 600 miles of our coastline. All without being spotted by the CIA, the NRO, the NSA, the Air Force or the Navy, that is.

You would think that after the Iraq fiasco, where many of the "zOMG, Saddam can do X, Y and Z" stories were later proven to be so false that some basic high-school-level fact-checking would have found that out,* that reporters would have a healthy degree of skepticism when dealing with future "zOMG, they can do this" stories and leaks from Ft. Fumble.

Bud sadly, no. The national press corps is as gullible and as easily manipulable in 2012 as there were in 2003. Put any old shit into an Iranian wrapper and those fools will eat it right up, and pronounce it as "good".
* The "aluminum tubes for enriching uranium", teh "mobile biowarfare labs" and the "he's making UAVs" stories come readily to mind.


  1. When the only reason they run a story is revenue, there is no reason that they should ever look for accuracy.

  2. I have the same body parts and nervous system design as the best ninja that ever lived!

    Fear me.

  3. I remember the mighty Wolfe Blitzer reporting on Hurricain Katrina; he actually said, to para phrase him "Terrorists would do this if they could control the weather" What a putz.

  4. All without being spotted by the CIA, the NRO, the NSA, the Air Force or the Navy, that is.

    Not to mention the Israelis, the Saudis, the Turks, the rest of NATO...

  5. "Terrorists would do this if they could control the weather"

    As if governments wouldn't...


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