Sunday, May 13, 2012

Caturday; Furniture Edition

As soon as I had unpacked enough to toss this throw over that chair, Jake reclaimed it as his bed.

It is Jake's favorite place to take a nap. Formerly, Gracie would get onto the chair and kick Jake off. He would grumble about it, but he went away and found another place to sleep. Gracie went over the Rainbow Bridge 2-1/2 months ago, so now he has no competition for his preferred sleeping spots.

Sorry, mentioning Gracie was a mistake. I start thinking of her and then the grief wells up. The memories come flooding back. I miss her so much.

Anyway, I had a lot of old towels that I used to cover furniture. I don't need anywhere near as many, now. So I bagged them up and took them to a local animal shelter. They were very happy to get them, for they use them as bedding and they go through a lot of them.

If you have old sheets, towels and blankets and you want to get rid of them, please, do not just throw them out. Check with your local animal shelter and ask if they can use them.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss.
    I had a Gracie cat. I would say, "Say goodnight, Gracie" and she'd meow.
    Short-haired Calico.
    My exgf has a black longhair also named Gracie.
    It's a great name!

  2. Our Gracie joins me in sending love your way/


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