Monday, April 9, 2012

The GOP's War on Working Women

The GOP is energetically waging war against working women in Wisconsin. This is what Republican state senator Glenn Grothman had to say, in part about equal pay for women:
"You could argue that money is more important for men. I think a guy in their first job, maybe because they expect to be a breadwinner someday, may be a little more money-conscious."
That particular GOP thug was one of the moves behind the repeal of Wisconsin's Equal Pay Act, a repeal bill that Gov. Walker signed into law last week.

Grothman is the clown who has proposed a bill that would classify being a single parent as a form of child abuse. Which will be good news indeed for those women in Wisconsin whose husbands have been killed in the Many Wars of the Chimperor.

Funny thing how people in this country will condemn extremists in other countries who devalue women. I'll bet that you can find statements by Republicans decrying discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan,* but they close their eyes and ears to the extremists in their own party who are calling for discriminating against women.
* On second thought, I won't place that bet.

1 comment:

  1. And in Arizona, they're working on a bill defining "life" as beginning at the moment of .... ovulation.


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