Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romney: It's Easy to be Unemployed on Twenty Million Smackers a Year!

Remember when ol' Willard said that he was "unemployed"? Well, it seems that unemployment isn't too harsh for Mittens, since his investments pay him over twenty million dollars a year.

That's four hundred thousand dollars a week. No wonder he thought that his speaking fees weren't "much money". In comparison, if you made thirty grand a year and you had a side job where you took in an extra six hundred dollars: That would be comparable to the scale of Romney's little side work.

Remember Romney's offer to bet ten grand with Baby Dubya? That'd be like most people offering to bet fifteen or twenty bucks.

And if you make thirty grand a year, you're not parking a few million in a Swiss bank account. Not like Willard the Wealthy.

I suspect that anyone who believes that Mitt the Ripper cares about middle class Americans, let alone the working poor, probably needs to have their head examined.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect that anyone who believes that Mitt the Ripper cares about middle class Americans, let alone the working poor, probably needs to have their head examined.

    It would be easy to examine anyone that believes that because they have holes in their heads. Many Many extra holes.


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