Saturday, January 21, 2012

It is Primary Day Today in South Carolina

In case it is not obvious to you, today is not a Tuesday. It is a Saturday. South Carolina is holding its primary vote (they are not caucusing, they are voting) on a Saturday.

This makes so much sense that having an election on a weekend should be adopted immediately. Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 and Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 of the Constitution permits the Congress to set the dates of all Federal elections.

Congress should do this forthwith. But they won't, for there is one political party that mouths the words of democracy, but in practice, their existence depends on denying as many citizens the right to vote as they possibly can.

Feel free to show me that I'm wrong, O Ye Goat-Fuckers On Capitol Hill.

1 comment:

  1. I think Saturday voting is definitely preferable to Tuesday voting. We vote by mail (or you can drop in locked boxes in many public facilities- courthouse, libraries, etc.) This means voter gets ~2 weeks to fill out their ballot at their leisure. Miss actually going to vote a little, but I love this system.


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