Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Godless Republican Voters of Iowa

They have to be, for how could they turn their backs on the presidential candidates who claim that they were chosen by the Almighty to run: Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann?*

At one point will it start becoming apparent to the general population that when a politician begins to talk about "being chosen by G-d to run for office", that maybe the thing to do is call for the guys with the butterfly nets and the tranq guns? For they they are either nuttier than a trainload of pecans, or G-d doesn't quite understand that there can be only one officeholder. **

I'm going with "they're all nuts".


Did The Media Treat Bachmann Unfairly Because She's An Insane Woman?
* I'm not even getting into Herman Cain, whose "call by the Lord to run" didn't last very long.
** As far as we know, nobody else was in the running for Moses's job as Liberator of the Hebrew Slaves.


  1. My thought: We have a word for folks who hear voices in their head.

    And yes, that word is "nuts".

    - Badtux the In-agreement Penguin

  2. The Lord has a sense of humor.


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