Friday, January 20, 2012


I went to the range the other day with my newbie friend. We were shooting at one of these, a reduced-sized silhouette at about 20':

I asked her if she wanted to try the two .45s that I brought. She didn't care for the 1911 Government Model. Then she shot my .45 Colt (Clone) SAA with Magtech "cowboy" loads. They're a little slower than full-power stuff, but they aren't exactly mouse-fart rounds, either. She hit the center of the target five times out of five shots.

When finances are better, maybe we'll look into getting her some good training. I think she has the makings of being an excellent shooter.


  1. Congrats, it really makes me all warm inside to know there is now another human who will Not be a target for anyone else.
    Not having to use a range I recycle all kinds of stuff into targets. I love 'reaction' targets the best. Found a lost golf ball the other day, they are so fun, that is if you are into walking. They really move when you smack them with a .45acp.
    Have fun

  2. Who doesn't love shooting a single action?

    (Although who wouldn't love shooting a 1911? But I guess there are those…)

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired


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