Tuesday, January 10, 2012


An Open Letter To The Anti-Gun Folks.

She's also running a give-a-way contest for women who are new to shooting.

(H/T who hangs out here)


  1. I dunno... a lot of us are turned off by the virulent anti-Americanism of the NRA-style gun community. I know that there's more to gun owners than that, but can you really blame the anti-gun folks for having a dim view of gun owners, based on the most vocal ones?

  2. Thing is, Joe, judging a community by the most virulent members also works against every organized religion (which is why I get furious with Christians who say "all Muslims are terrorists) and political parties.

    But having said that, I don't go to the NRA conventions since the speakers all seem to be of the Rabid-Right variety.

  3. I guess it seems different when the point of the group is to shoot things, and often those things are intentionally people. All I'm saying is that with the loudest voices of gun owners being nearly the most extreme, I find it hard to fault the anti-gun folks too much. I think they're often wrong, but the NRA seems to force them to be extreme in the opposite direction.

    To stretch your religion comparison a bit, imagine a speaking in tongues, women can't wear dresses or cut their hair, extremeist snake-handing church... and then give them the numbers and finances of the Catholics.


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