Friday, December 9, 2011

Well, That Was Fun

I finally dragged my dead ass to the pistol range. They had these targets, which were fun to shoot at. I pretty much shot the head out of this one:

The worrisome thing is that this range, which has something like a dozen firing positions, was pretty busy. Normally, it's almost dead in there early on a weekday afternoon, but not today. Either a lot of people had time off or a lot of guys found themselves with more free time than they had anticipated. Which may not be a good local economic indicator.


  1. OK...I just clicked on the link to the targets & peed the chair when what-ever-the-hell-that-was screamed in my face. Note to self: turn speakers down. This makes me wish I wasn't scared of guns.
    Will never fit in here in CO.

  2. ...or they were listening to American (anti-)Family Radio, where they've been talking about stocking up on canned goods in case of system failure and Armageddon, thanks to Obama being an atheist Muslim or some such.

    I'm going to try to get my wife out to the range this weekend, just because it should be FUN!

  3. It should be fun. There are all sort of imaginative targets out there. There once was an app that would allow you to make a target out of any jpeg, but that seems to have vanished.


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