Friday, December 16, 2011

The Water Rat

These photos were taken with a pocket camera, a Canon A1000.

This is possibly its home:

The photos were taken from a bridge over the waterway of the swamp. Only the need to try to keep some of the New York City watershed intact protected the swamp from being completely drained decades ago. NYC does not filter its drinking water, the watershed does that.


  1. What is that? A muskrat? Or something mustilid? It looks rather like a fisher...or mink?

    In any case, it made me go "Squeeee" cause it reminds me of the pet ferrets...

  2. Looks like a mink to me. Too small for a fisher and the water suggests that it's not a marten. Either way, it's definitely part of the weasel family.

  3. Yeah, I'm guessing a mink. Cute little critter.

  4. I couldn't get any really good idea of scale...thus my wondering about a fisher. It does remind me of the small wild weasels we have here, in body shape and attitude. But it is far darker and larger than those.

  5. Never mind cooing over it. Just shoot it and drain the swamp so the gas guys can frack out the bedrock. I mean, that's what they're pushing for, isn't t?

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  6. Looks like muskrat to me. Though minks are common there too.



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