Friday, December 23, 2011

Shorter Bachmann: "Vote For Me, I'm Fucking Incompetent!'

That is her pitch: That she should be elected president because she is not good at her job.
"I am not a politician. I am a real person. I don't even know how to be a politician," Bachmann said in a news conference outside a high school in Grundy Center, Iowa.
Bachmann has been a Congressman for five years. Before that, she was a Minnesota state senator for six years. She'd been politically active for years before that.

Eleven years in elective office, more than that flogging for donations, and she claims that she's not a politician?

She's either one of the biggest liar in this year's pack* or she's telling the truth, in which case she is bragging about a stunning level of incompetence.
* Given that population includes Willard Romney (every word that he speaks can be presumed to be a lie) and Newtie, that's saying something.


  1. of course, Mitt has flip-flopped so many times (and since even he's unsure of his name) the rethugs will probably nominate him for both pres and vp. Something for everyone, eh ??

  2. This is what happens when normal people don't vote, the crazies end up in charge. That is the only explanation I can come up with. That and FOX News.


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