Saturday, December 31, 2011

Politiicans Who Routinely Lambaste Lawyers, But Can't Wait to Sue When Things Don't Go Their Way

(CNN) - Four candidates left off the Virginia Republican primary ballot joined Rick Perry Saturday in suing the state's board of elections over laws they say are "unconstitutional."

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum joined the lawsuit, originally filed Tuesday, challenging provisions that determine who can appear on the primary ballot.
Virginia probably has a million or so Republicans, including the batshit crazy folks who came up with this idea. That the whiners couldn't get their shit together enough to get ten thousand people to sign their nominating petitions is pretty frelling pathetic.

So even though you can probably find statements by at least Newtie, Bachmann and Gov. Goodhair where they rant and rail against trial lawyers, they are showing no hesitation to sue when things don't go their way.

They'll need a special vehicle to get to the courthouse:

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