Thursday, December 15, 2011

Police Perverts-- Coming to a Sky Near You!

You know what's going to happen next, don't you?
The Federal Aviation Administration is preparing new rules that could make it easier for law enforcement agencies to use drone aircraft in the U.S., raising concerns about privacy at a time when the aircraft are already conducting surveillance.
The cops are going to be flying those drones around, looking for women who are sunbathing in the nude in places where they thought they were safe from the eyes of perverts.

We need our own domestic hackers to fuck them up.


  1. Who da thunk, Copseyes in my lifetime
    but no flying cars.

    SiFi, not so much any more.


  2. Who da thunk, Copseyes in my lifetime
    but no flying cars.

    SiFi, not so much any more.


  3. Well, if ya'll would quit hiding that stuff we wouldn't be so interested in lookin ha ha...
    Seriously, ought to be declared open season on all stinking eyes in the sky crap !!
    Can't help feed the poor, but we can spend tons on military hardware to spy on our own people.
    Rat bastards....


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