Thursday, December 29, 2011

Idiot With a Gun

A man was hospitalized on Christmas Eve after shooting himself while using the bathroom, police said
. The idiot is a convicted felon, so he's probably going to be staying in the Crossbar Hotel for a few years. Like this guy.


  1. Of course you have heard of the "Darwin Awards" for those that do their own job of removing themselves from the evolutionary tree.
    Two more entries here, if they had killed themselves they might have won an award.

  2. Dying isn't necessary to remove male idiots from the gene pool, w3ski. Just hitting the correct piece of the male anatomy with a bullet fired from a gun jammed into your waistband will manage that quite tidily ;).

    - Badtux the "the only gun in *my* pants *belongs* there!" Penguin

  3. I don't mind idiots carrying guns as long as the only people they shoot are themselves. In fact I wish they'd do it more often. Brings up the average for the rest of us.
    I notice he said he forgot the gun was in his waistband. Fat lot of good it would have been for protection if he couldn't remember where it was. Unfortunately the world is not less one more moron.

  4. "Point" taken, and Very True.


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