Saturday, December 3, 2011

Asshat Parkers; Aviation Edition

This particular Asshattus Americanus parked his spiffy Cessna 185 amphib right in front of the self-service gas pump and left it there while he had lunch at the airport cafe.

I'm guessing that the self-important asswipe is either a surgeon or a lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the BMW drivers at busy gas stations who abandon their cars at the pumps despite the line of cars waiting to fill up and go inside and spend fifteen minutes shopping for sodas and food-like items. It's always the BMW drivers who do this. Well, and the minivan drivers. The minivan drivers who drag a half dozen kids behind them into the store, where they then go wild and if you complain because they're throwing the merchandise all over the place the parent throws a tantrum about how you're a mean child-hating grinch who should just stick your head up your anal orifice for requesting that the children behave. Meanwhile their minivan is parked blocking *two* pumps as cars try desperately to cram in close enough that their driver can pull a gas hose around the nose or tail of the minivan, and the minivan driver with her mentality of entitlement ("I reproduced, thus I'm entitled!") doesn't care one whit.

    I.e., it's *not* just doctors and lawyers nowadays :(.

    - Badtux the Humanity-observin' Penguin


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