Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Yes, I Still Hate Glocks

I surely do, but this is still funny.


  1. Heh. That's like the brilliant dude who decided to knock over the donut joint. Across from the police station. In New Orleans. True story. Needless to say, he had sufficient off-duty cops drawing down on him that the only thing he ended up with was a stay in the graybar hotel ;).

    -- Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin

  2. Glock Ugh! My Brother in law bought a Glock. Maybe he just got a bad one. It takes 18 rounds to hit a target with that horrid trigger pull. Like a rusty can scraping on another.UGH ! One .45 works fine cause I can hit what I aim at, don't need 18 rounds.


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