Sunday, November 6, 2011

Send Your Disabled Child to a New York State Facility
And You'll Probably Get Him Back In a Box

In New York, it is unusually common for developmentally disabled people in state care to die for reasons other than natural causes.
That includes deaths like lowering quadriplegics into tubs, turning on the taps and then walking away as the patient drowns. Letting people who can't handle stairs go down them unsupervised. letting people choke to death. Inadequate fire safety rules, in that "group homes" are classified as residences not custodial care facilities. "Paper" fire drills.

This bears repeating: Placing a person in a New York State custodial care facility for disabled or mentally challenged adults is tantamount to signing a death warrant. There is little state supervision, for the state government clearly does not give a fuck.


  1. “These deaths are marginalized because these sort of people are not valued by society,” Patricia Taylor said.

    I have a sad suspicion that the majority of Americans would agree with the Nazis about the proper disposition of the profoundly handicapped, albeit they'd use terminology more akin to euthanizing a cat. Can't work? Just go off and die, already. It's the 1% plan for America.

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

  2. I would bet one doughnut that if you went looking for a complaint by a Wingnut that "old people live too long", or even the Malthusian term "useless eaters", that you'd find a boatload of them in very short order.

  3. Many years ago, decades.. there was a reporter for NY TV and the subject was Willowbrook..

    Sounds similar.



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