Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One Terrorism Story That Will Be Quickly Buried On Fox News

Atlanta (CNN) -- Federal agents charged four Georgia men they say are part of a fringe militia group with plotting to attack government officials with explosives and the biotoxin ricin, prosecutors in Atlanta announced Tuesday.

A government informant recorded the men discussing plans to manufacture ricin, a highly poisonous substance derived from castor beans, and attack Justice Department officials, federal judges and Internal Revenue Service agents, according to court papers released Tuesday afternoon.
Oh, they'll mention it. They kind of have to at least acknowledge that this happened.

But it'll be quickly buried. Because "White Male Christian Right-Wing Terrorist" does not fit into the Fox News narrative. So they'll shift over to the impending Kardashian divorce and try to make a point about how this country needs to follow the moral sensibilities of, you know, the guys who were plotting to poison lots of people in Atlanta.


  1. Maybe they'll opt for option #2; paint them as liberals.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised. As far as I can tell these guys were all pretty old and neither overly bright nor particularly well-informed, so the odds are good that at least one of them is, if not a liberal, at least a registered Democrat.

    Seriously. My parents had a long-time neighbor who remained a staunch Democrat all his life, on the grounds that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. He's probably not the only one who never got the memo about the Great Switcheroo of the late 60s. The 1960s, I mean.

    And an anachronistic Democrat is close enough to a liberal for Murdoch-Jazeera.

  3. "an anachronistic Democrat is close enough to a liberal for Murdoch-Jazeera."

    If you are seriously comparing Al Jazeera to Faux News, then you clearly know nothing about Al Jazeera outside of the BS you have heard from other people who know nothing about Al Jazeera.

  4. Murdoch-Pravda would be a better analogy.

  5. Murdoch-Pravda would be a better analogy.

    OK, I'll buy that. I can say, in all seriousness, that the quality of A-J's English-language service is discernibly superior to that of Fox 'News'. Pravda, on the other hand, is just morbidly (and, I assume, unintentionally) amusing more often than not, which does make it a better match for Fox.

    I wonder how either one would compare to MSNBC. (No, seriously. Us ignorant peckerwoods don't get that one here.)

    Salaam, y'all. Gotta go do something more productive than commenting on blogs (or watching TV) now.

  6. I was thinking of Pravda back in the days of the USSR.


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