Monday, November 21, 2011

I Call "Bullshit"; Stupor-Committee Edition

Republicans proclaim they tried to reach a deal for cutting the deficit.

Bullshit. Their so-called deal was to close tax exemptions that benefit the middle class and then lower the top tax rate on the wealthy from 35% to 28%. So the rich would pay less taxes while you would be taxed on contributions to your IRA and HSA accounts.

Yeah, such a deal they had for you.

This super-committee was designed to fail, once Democrats in Congress began to understood that their previous Neville-Chamberlainesque strategy was not playing well back home.

It was the tax increases signed by President George H.W. Bush that put this country on the path to reduce the Federal deficit. It was the tax cuts signed by his imbecilic spendthrift son which put us where we are today.


  1. Let us celebrate their failure. They were only trying to make a bad deal worse.

  2. Yes, failure was a built-in feature of the super shitty committee.

    I'll make up my mind about Obama when I see what the automatic cuts actually result in.

    It's clear he outmaneuvered the thugs, and used their intransigence against them. What's not clear is whether he has more of an interest in the American people and the concept of America, or in just his part of the 1%.

  3. But what is a committee but a device to spread and diffuse blame? And get nothing done. And run out the clock. And..........

    All it takes is balls and principle. Oh well, nothing to see here, move along


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